You know that it’s important to have your chimney inspected and cleaned on an annual basis, as recommended by the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA). But do you know what happens when we man on chimneycome in to do that annual inspection? It may seem as though all we need to do is to come in and inspect and do a quick cleaning, but the fact is, there’s a lot more to it than that.

What Happens When Your Chimney Gets Swept

One thing you may be concerned about when your chimney is getting swept is that your house may get dirty in the process. When you hire Black Velvet Chimney, you can be certain this won’t happen. The first thing we do is to lay out a tarp or a drop cloth so that the carpet and furnishings in your room stay clean and protected. We know you work hard to have nice things, and we’ll make sure they stay that way. Another way that your things are protected is by our powerful vacuum system. Anytime you do a deep cleaning, you can be sure that some dust will fly, and with chimney sweeping, that’s especially true. Our vacuums will help control any loose dirt as we commence with the cleaning process.


After we make sure that your home is protected, we’ll get to the cleaning process. Because creosote is such a dangerous substance, this is the first thing we’ll take care of cleaning. Creosote is a byproduct of your fire burning process. Each time that you burn in your fireplace, moisture and chemicals are released in the form of smoke and are directed out of the home through the chimney. Your chimney’s interior is cooler than the fire, especially near the top where it is farther from the fire and closer to the cool outside air. This cool temperature causes the smoke to condense onto the interior surface of your chimney, causing creosote, a dirty, gummy substance or maybe even a hard and crumbly substance, to appear. Creosote is dangerous because it is so flammable that even at an eighth of an inch of buildup, it can catch a stray spark or ember to catch and cause a chimney fire. Not only is creosote dangerous, but it’s also smelly, so removing creosote is a top priority for our workers.

When we’re done with cleaning the creosote, we’ll clean out the rest of the chimney, including vacuuming behind the dampers and in the firebox to clear out any old ash and dust. We’ll also check for any damage to the wood trim and we’ll even get on the roof to check out the condition of the flashing, chimney cap, and chimney crown.

You’ll be 100% Satisfied

When you call in Black Velvet Chimney to sweep your chimney, you will know that your chimney will be cleaned, the key components will be checked for damage, and your home will be left clean and dust-free. Give us a call today and let us take care of your chimney sweeping needs.